The Script
Jolly Holiday Script V4 (With SWatermark)
The Location
The Queue
The queue starts outdoors in the U.K. pavilion at Epcot. At the back of the current pavilion more London buildings can be found and an alley forms between them. Walking through them and past Uncle Albert’s apartment we pass under a bridge of buildings and onto Cherry Tree Lane.

You’ll walk onto the set and be in the world. Live entertainment will be present throughout the virtual queue.
The Ride
Soon you’re off on your own Jolly Holiday Adventure. Immediately after leaving the station a gust of wind lifts you over the street of Cherry Tree Lane and you’re headed towards the banks house. Just then, the wind changes and you’re blown backwards into the sky. There, you see the sun set over London and come across a gigantic drawing of the countryside that Bert has drawn for Mary. As you approach it, some puffs of colored smoke and it dematerializes right in front of your eyes and a 3-dimensional version appears that you fly directly through.
From this point on it’s a fairly straight-forward scene by scene reliving of the animated sequence. For more details please read the script. The goal is to create a new experience that isn’t a pure play-by-play, but still largely familiar.
The climax of the ride will be the fox hunt and horse race sequence where animatronic horses and riders ride along side you, and even cross in front of you, eventually leading you into a set of speed tunnels set up to simulate a race track. Of course you win the race with the help of Mary Poppins who nudges the wind to fly you above the horses in front of you and send you towards the finish line.
The ride ends with everyone singing Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious before a thunderstorm suddenly appears out of nowhere, causes the all the sets around you to wash away and run before returning you to the park. The idea is the ride is a rather gentle one, with just minor rotation and rollicking motions. The thrill comes from the enormous amount of eye-popping visuals and effects. Flowers that literally turn into animated butterflies flying in the actual air around you (not on the walls, in midair), drawings that just disappear, riders seeing their chalk-drawn reflections in an animated pond, apparently free moving animatronics, sets that can look like they wash away. Characters that literally enter the vehicle. Things like that.
Project created throughout 2017-2018.